Anderson Winery
Spring Mountain District, Napa Valley
The Ideal Way to Toss a Cornhole Bags
Have you tried tossing a bag to a 6 inch diameter hole 30 feet away from you? If so then you've played the backyard game corn hole. Cornhole, also known as bag toss, soft horseshoes, and many others is an ever increasing tailgating game played with all ages. Whether you're with your family in your home or in a soccer game grilling and drinking, this sport can enjoyed by all.
The hardest part to this game is tossing the bags in their various holes. There are many different techniques out there that you may test out. If it comes to pitching the bags in the cornhole boards, there are two main things you'll need to focus on. The first has to do with the design of toss. Most folks like to hand the tote and toss it that way. However there have been many other forms and techniques. Below are the 3 most popular you can try. Like I mentioned before, go with those that works the right for you.
1. Flat Toss - This entails holding the cornhole bag finished flat in your hand. This is going to make sure that the corn inside the bag remains even during the toss. It's always best to throw it underhand as you will have more hands on space and accuracy
2. Single Twist Toss - This involves the identical method as the Flat Toss, but before you throw fold the bag in half.
3. Sling Twist - This involves holding the bag at the same corning and turning your wrist when throwing. Not always the most precise and takes a lot of practice till you are able to master this technique. Once you have found out which style of throw you would love to use, the next step would be finding the correct arch. The majority of people will tell you that when throwing a bag, you wish to add arch as well as space for the bag to slide when it hits the board. It's always could to account for both techniques as you'll have a more well rounded game and can correct your throw according to where you are playing, kind of bags, etc.. .
1. Throwing a bean bag with too high of an arch can create the bag to just sort of plop back on the board and stick. If that is the method you pick, you sole goal is to target directly to your hole cut from the plank.
2. Throwing a cornhole bag having too low of an arch can cause the bag to slip. If you choose this method, you need to be sure you are accurate or the bag will slip right off the board. This is the reason you need a combination of both. As soon as you've a throwing technique and also an arch to match it, mastering this cornhole game will probably be a breeze. Just remember, everybody has a different throw and yours will be unique to how you play with the cornhole game. Keep tweaking it till you've got the best throw.
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